Don’t Publish Another Article Before Asking Yourself These 3 Questions

Learn how to write a viral article

3 min readMar 27, 2023
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Everybody wants to succeed, not only on Medium but also in their writing career. I believe that when we publish our articles, we have a specific goal in mind. It might be entertaining people, passing information, or advice.

Whatever your article is about, you’ll want it to reach as many people as possible. Sometimes it feels like a waste when you publish your articles and they only reach a few people or other times, none at all.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of writers here, don’t get much traffic or readers. The anatomy of writing articles that people actually read isn’t that hard. It’s quite simple especially if you are not focused on yourself so much.

Focus on providing important information to people and be simple.

Sometimes you can get caught in a conversation that all you do is talk about yourself. You don’t want that with your audience.

If I Were The Reader Would I Click On This Title?

Absolutely! I’d click on this one because it is about writing and the title tells me everything about the article. That way, I have a clue about what I’ll be reading.

If you don’t know how to write a title that gets clicks, try writing it the way you would normally say it.

For example, maybe you want to write about jets, but instead of writing what you think, you start twerking it to how others would say it. That’s a failure right there.

Write it the way you’d say it, if not the whole article, then at least the title and subtitle.

How Is Your Subtitle?

Is it short, precise, and to the point?

For most people, when they are interested in your title, they move on to the subtitle to get a clear understanding of the story.

If your title is top-notch and the subtitle is boring, I personally wouldn’t read it unless the title is too convincing.

You should also know that a subtitle is not a must, so if you have a great heading, go with that, add the picture next, and then the rest of the content.

Is Your Content Worth The Click?

Many writers focus on the title, you write a good one when the content doesn’t meet people’s expectations.

That is why I said that your title should be about what’s inside your story, otherwise, people will only view your article and not read it. Medium pays you for reads, not views.

If you use a clickbait title, that’s $0 right away. Writers are complaining about how they are getting many views and less money.

Getting people to click your article is only the first step, get them to read it too.

Try as much as you can to provide good content to the readers, clickbait turns people away so, be genuine, clear, and simple. It helps you to get more readers and followers.

Answer those three questions and you’ll have an amazing article to share, it might even go viral, you never know.

